Thursday, March 17, 2011

Japanese Akoya Pearl Earrings $19 shipped. 25% of Purchase Price to Japan Tsunami Relief.

Today, you can support a great cause by purchasing a breathtaking pair of Genuine Japanese Akoya Pearl Earrings. For every pair sold, DiamondShark will donate 25% of the sale price to GlobalGiving's Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund. This fund is dedicated to providing relief, aid and supplies to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the north coast of Japan on March 11th, 2011. So today, treat yourself to a stunning pair of pearls, and do your part for a worthwhile cause while you're at it.

PLUS, for every "LIKE" DiamondShark/SharkStores gets on FaceBook, they will donate $0.25 to the Japan Relief effort

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