Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Much Does Your Binder Weigh? ;)

I use 4 binders:
1. "The" Binder - holds most of the coupons
2. Target Printable Coupon Binder
3. Printable Coupon Binder 
4. In-Store Binder
Total weight 13 lbs 13 ounces!

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  1. I don't use binders lol. I guess I am just too lazy to keep one up. I staple inserts, write the date on them, separate by the type of insert,put in a large ziploc bag, which then goes into a large carrier. I have no idea how much mine weighs but probably quite a bit! It works okay since I try and pre-plan my trips well, but is a pain when I see clearance items, and know I have a coupon floating around somewhere in my stack. It's a good thing I can remember pretty well which coupons are in what inserts...well half of the time at least.

  2. In stores I usually only have the small black one on top. All the coupons for my planned purchases are in it. It's great because it fits in my purse and I can be discreet.
    Everything else stays in the car.
    Except at Target...I take it all in. Too many clearance possibilities :)
